Kazakh proverbs
Folklore of Kazakhstan
- Motherland is the motherto people; people is the mother to a dzhigit (skilful horseman).
- There is no place like your Motherland.
- The best people are in your therland.
- Love to the Motherland starts in the family.
- The Motherland can get you warm better than fire.
- There is a lot of gold in some places, but still the Motherland is dearer than gold.
- An onion can be as sweet as honey if it grows in your Motherland.
- Even a mole feels strong when it is in his hole.
- If your sickle is sharp you wil I have a rich crop, if your Motherland is strong you will be as strong as your enemy.
- As small as sparrow is, it still protects its nest.
- A goose misses its lake, a man longs for his Motherland.
- You must have not gone too far if you were able to find your way back.
- Even air in your land can cure.
- Native land is a paradise for everybody.
- To betray the Motherland is as bad as to bury yourself alive.
- A man cries over the loss of his wife until she is buried, a man cries over the loss of his Motherland until he is buried.
- Afield looks lonely if it has not been sowed and a dzhigit looks lonely if he does not have a Motherland.
- Days and nights are beautiful in your Motherland.
- Any land is good but the Motherland is the best.
- A crow from your land is better than a hawk from a foreign land.
- If a horse misses its herd, it stamps its back hooves. If a man misses company, he harnesses his horse.
- Even if I cannot be a khan in my Motherland, I would be happy to be just a stone in a ravine.
- A divided country will fall; a united country will standfast.
- Never enter a seedy place; never live in a country without a leader.
- Each country has different laws, even different dogs.
- When the people will stand up, they can reach the sky.
- That dzhigit is happy if he knows his price. People are happy who rule themselves.
- To go up against people is like to swim against the current.
- Who leads the people will swallow butter, who lags behind the people will swallows dust.
- The history of land is the history of its people.
- The people's wrath can destroy even fortresses.
- A road can mean another road, the people can get closer to people.
- If the people are looking for one if their own, they will find him in no time. The people have long hands.
- The people do not talk empty talk, whatever they talk is sensible.
- The people's strength is as powerful as a mud slide.
- One can live with loss of sight but cannot live without people.
- A fowl can be very playful but will never run away from the herd.
- A merchant is a spoon, the people is the sea.
- People's smile is hotter than the sun.
- Eyes of a hundred people can warm you up better than the sun.
- A man can be more intelligent than his friends but cannot be wiser than the whole people.
- It is better to cook porridge for a hundred people that to be a boss for ten.
- One cannot put a plug on people's mouth.
- It is better to be a servant to six people than to be a leader of five.
- The people have sharp sight and generous hands.
- People's gratitude is a real grace.
- There is no people without the eldest
- Who travels in other countries will be a critic, who wanders the forest will be a builder.
- There are no people without conflicts, there is no land without enemies.
- The people without thieves are like the land without wolves.
- There is no people without sons as there is no land without flowers.
- The people without a khan is like the land without mountains.
- The one who does not know his people cannot judge other people.
- Happiness does not run away from the people and craftiness cannot slip away from the people.
- A man is a guest in this life.
- If the people are united, there is no place for hostility.
- One cannot embrace the people's bosom.
- There is no wall the people can seize.
- A wolf cannot get enough of sheep and a man cannot get enough of thinking.
- One can better than a batyr but cannot be better than the people.