Other Darvaza Craters

Water Crater in the Vicinity of Darvaza

The mud and water craters are located 11 and 24 kilometers south of the Darvaza gas crater. Here the gas emissions are weaker, so they do not burn like the gas crater. The walls of both craters are steep and should be approached with great caution.

The water crater is a striking and colorful sight, reaching a diameter of 50 meters. At the15 meters below the edge of the cliff is a lake of an amazing turquoise color. This vibrant color attracts many tourists, but swimming in the lake is not permitted due to the unknown depth, the unsafe gas bubbles rising from the bottom and the steep walls that make it difficult to reach the surface.

The mud crater, on the other hand, is less spectacular; its bottom is covered with light grey mud bubbling with gas. It is larger than the water crater, measuring 70 meters in diameter and 20 meters deep. The limestone walls are quite fragile and can crumble, so don't get too close to the edge.

If all precautions are taken, an excursion to these craters can be very interesting and a perfect complement to the main program of the Darvaza gas crater tour. They are also conveniently located on the way from Ashgabat, just a few hundred meters from the motorway.