Mary Museum of History and Local Lore, Mary

Mary Museum of History and Local Lore, Mary

The History Museum in Mary houses an extensive collection of approximately 40,000 exhibits, showcasing the historical and cultural heritage of Turkmenistan. Covering an area of 10,000 square metres, the museum offers a comprehensive insight into the country's history through the ages.

Founded in 1968 as the Mary Historical and Revolutionary Museum, the first exhibition opened in 1974. In 2010, the museum moved to a new building in the shape of an eight-pointed star, with a magnificent fountain at its centre. Statues of prominent Turkmen historical figures adorn the entrance. The exhibition area covers 4,000 square metres in six halls.

  • Renaissance Hall: Located on the ground floor, this hall displays portraits of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, along with archival documents and photographs related to Turkmenistan's independence.
  • Archaeological Hall: This hall displays artefacts discovered during excavations of ancient Merv, illustrating the region's history from the Bronze Age to the Seljukid era. Items on display include bronze vessels, lamps, Zoroastrian goddess figurines, gilded silver jewellery, ivory chess pieces, mosaics and glazed ceramics.
  • Ethnography Hall: Visitors can explore Turkmen traditions, rituals, and applied arts. Highlights include displays of national clothing, household items, and a traditional white yurt—allowing visitors to step inside and experience the lifestyle of nomadic tribes.
  • Local History Hall: This hall focuses on the natural environment of Mary region, with views of the Badkhyz Reserve (established in 1941), the Murghab River, and the Karakum Desert. The exhibits include specimens of both extinct and extant flora and fauna.
  • Fine Arts Hall: Works by Turkmen painters and sculptors from the 20th and 21st centuries are on display here, celebrating the artistic beauty and historical themes of the region.
  • Temporary Exhibition Hall: This hall hosts rotating exhibitions on a variety of themes, offering visitors new insights with each visit.

The Mary State History and Country Learning Museum is an excellent place to explore the diverse history of Turkmenistan. It also complements a visit to Ancient Merv, as many of the artifacts from the archaeological excavations there are displayed in the museum.