The best Night Clubs and Pubs in Bishkek
Bishkek Night Life
Metro Pub
Tursunbekov-Chui Prospekt, in front of
International University of Kyrgyzstan
Johnnie's Pub (Altyn Oguz, "Golden Bull")
near "Russia" movie house, Chui Prospect
Metro Pub
Sovietskaya-Abdumominov Str. intersection,
in front of Hyatt Regency Hotel
Night Clubs
Mon-Sun, 9pm-5am
253, Chui Prospect
Tel.: (+996 312) 21 96 57
Hip hop and rock parties
Fire and Ice
Mon-Sun, 9pm-5am
338a, Frunze Str.
Tel.: (+996 312) 68 17 00
Live rock and disco
Mon-Sun, 9pm-5am
Zhukeeva-Pudovkina Str.
8 micromicrodistrict
Tel.: (+996 312) 51 05 81
Dance floor, DVD movie house, cafe
Tue-Sun, 11am-5am
46a, Akhunbabaev Str.
Tel.: (+996 312) 54 68 32
Dance floor, DVD movie house, cafe, swimming pool