Distances between tourist centers of Kyrgyzstan

Distances between cities of Kyrgyzstan (in kilometres)

  Bishkek Osh Cholpon-Ata Karakol Kochkor Tamga
Bishkek - 670 270 410 200 320
Osh 670 - 680 750 530 660
Cholpon-Ata 270 680 - 145 150 220
Karakol 410 750 145 - 260 85
Kochkor 200 530 150 260 - 170
Tamga 320 660 220 85 170 -

Our drivers regularly inform us about changes on the roads, but OrexCA.com assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in the data, as distance between cities may vary due to road constructions and diversions, as well as due to the different starting points of the initial and the final destination, the speedometer error, different diameter of tires, etc.

Additional table of distances between some tourist spots and towns in Kyrgyzstan

City Distance (km)
Osh – Uzgen 55
Osh – Jalalabad 110
Kochkor – Sonkul 100
Kochkor – Narin 120
Bishkek – Chon-Kemin 140
Bishkek – Ala-Archa 40