The Jeyran ecocenter, vicinity of Bukhara
Dear visitors, offers visiting a unique place - Jeyran ecocente located 40 km from Bukhara on line А-380 Bukhara-Karshi.
The visiting program includes 2-hour excursion on the Ecocenter. At the moment in the Ecocenter the following action is hold: Adopt a kid - all interested persons are offered to take under guardianship one of kids of jeyran (goitered gazelle) or Bukharian mountain sheep (Argali), having paid its maintenance in nursery.
For the young growth maintenance it is spent approximately 30 US$ a year. The given sum includes purchase of milk, fodder and veterinary service.
Having adopted a kid, you can:
choose a name for "an adopted" kid;
receive the personal certificate "Adopt a kid";
receive a table with a name of "sponsor" on an open-air cage;
receive a special certificate on visiting of nursery within a year.
If your visiting of the Ecocenter takes a long time, you can accommodate in a guest hostel where there are all necessary conditions for residing: separate kitchen, shower, computer, conditioner.
In the evening you can walk along lakes, swim in warm water, very carefully observe with a small lamp the life of night animals of desert: scorpions, solifuges, tarantulas etc.
The Jeyran ecocenter is the state research-and-production organization which has been organized in May, 1976 for the purpose of breeding of rare species of animals. The Ecocenter is in under supervision of the The State Committee for Nature Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
More than 40 kinds of vertebrates and 6 kinds of invertebrates living on the territory of the Ecocenter are included in National and International Red Books.
Mission of the Jeyran ecocente
To conserve unique biodiveristy of the South-West part of the Kyzylkum desert and expand rare species populations through breeding and awareness raising.
Aims of the Ecocenter:
1. Increasing in number and studying biology of planted rare species of animals on the territories of the Ecocenter;
2. Preserving structure of deserted biocenosis of Southwest Kyzylkum desert;
3. Rational use of natural resources;
4. Ecological education of local residents and tourists;
5. Development of eco-tourism.
In 2008 territory of the Jeyran ecocenter has been included in the international list IBA which is a key ornithological territories having great value for preservation of birds and habitats.
Historical inquiry
The Jeyran ecocenter has been created in Bukhara area during the critical moment when number of animals was sharply reduced across all Central Asia. In 70th of the last century in different republics of the region it has been created seven nurseries, but there is only one remained in Uzbekistan.
Plants growing here and animals are under state protection. Many of them are rare and registered in the International Red Book and the Red Book of Uzbekistan. The Cabinet Enactment "On the Program of actions on preservation of the environment in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2008-2012", signed in September, 2008, gives a new impulse to activities of the Jeyran ecocente.
For more than thirty-year period the Ecocenter became a real island of animals rescue. One of rare species is Przevalsky's horse. There are not more than 3000 of them remain in the world and there are 21 in the Ecocenter. Neither in Russia, nor in republics of the Central Asia can you find free or half-free living horses. They exist only in Uzbekistan and there is a hope that they will appear even there where once lived. In the Ecocenter people managed to keep koulans, there are 56 of them here. The big success is reached in aviary breeding of surprisingly beautiful, but small Bukharian mountain sheep. Negotiations are carried on with Zarafshansky Reserve for breeding Bukharian deer here, and with the Moscow Zoo - about transfer of two cheetahs who have been recently born there. Earlier cheetahs lived on plains of our country and population restoration in natural ecosystems is not only one of aims but also an honorable mission.
If you want to visit the Jeyran ecocenter just inform us on time and date of planned visiting during your tour with