The State Museum of Arts, Tashkent
Address: 16, Movarounahr, Tashkent
Tel.: 998 (71) 236 74 36, 236 34 44
Fax:. 998 (71) 236 77 40
Days of rest: 2hd half of Monday, Tuesday
The State Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan is one of the largest museums in the Central Asia, which was founded in 1918 on the base of a small collection from 500 exhibits. These were the works of the Russian and the West-European art such as painting, sculpture, decorative furniture, porcelain and bronze.
The most valuable exhibits of the antique and the early-medieval art of Uzbekistan are presented in the exposition of the museum; they are architectural decor, embroideries, rugs, fabrics, copper-stamping manufactures, golden needlework, jewelry art and others.
The Exposition of the graphic art of Uzbekistan shows the complex and unique way of the formation and development of the national painting of graphs during more then the century history. Here we can see the works of I. Kazakov, I.Karazin, R.Zommer, S.Yudin, L.Bure, A. Nikolaev, A.Volkov, N. Karahan, U.Tansykbaev, A.Abdullaev, R.Akhmedov, Ch.Akhmarov, R.Charyev, D.Umarbekov, B.Dzalalov and the others.
The Art of the Foreign Orient is presented by the works of art of China, India, Japan, South Korea and Iran. The collection of bronze, porcelain, ivory, carved tree, music instruments, rugs, wares from celadon, sculptural composition from stone and a great deal of others are exhibited here.
The Museum possesses a rich collection of works of the Russian art of the 15-20th centuries: collections of the icons, painting of the 18th century (I.Nikitin, F. Roar, D.Levickiy, V.Borovikovskiy and others).
The Art of the 19th century presents the linens of A.Orlovskiy, O.Kiprenskiy, L.Plakhov, V.Perov, G.Myasoedov, N.Kramskoy, N.Ge, A.Kuindzhi, I.Shishikin, I.Levitan, A.Savrasov, I. Ayvazovskiy, I.Repin and others.
The Museum includes the collection of works of the Russian artists of the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century - "The Russian vanguard": A.Benua, B. Kustodiev, V.Serov, K.Korovin, A.Lentulov, R.Falik, V.Kandinskiy and K.Malevich.
The art of the West Europe is presented in the museum by decorative and art of Italy, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Flanders, Holland, France and England.