Tashkent Planetarium
Address: 6, Zarkaynar Str., Tashkent
Reference point: Chorsu Bazaar, Tashkent Circus
Metro: Gafur Gulom
Phone: (+998 71) 244-77-20
Working hours: 09:00 - 17:00
Perhaps every one of us in childhood dreamt of conquering space, flying to the skies, observing the Earth from above or making a few steps on the Moon. It is barely possible today for majority of people to repeat those feats of brave cosmonauts. However, everyone who wants to look at Saturn rings and Jupiter companions could observe them in the Tashkent planetarium.
The planetarium was founded on the basis of the decision of the Cabinet of Minister of Uzbekistan in 2003. Today it operates under the supervision of Tashkent city administration and Tashkent head office on culture and sports.
A cube overlapped with dome serves as the base for the volumetric-spatial composition of the building. The square basis of the building symbolizes the Earth, while a semicircle of the dome – vault of heaven. The planetarium consists of demonstration and exhibition halls. The demonstration hall with capacity of 50-60 people has the main equipment meant for demonstrating star sky and planets of solar system. By means of projecting equipment and assorted slides it is possible as like to transfer deep into our Universe, to see meteorites, black holes, Northern lights, comets of different sizes, admire of the star sky and twelve zodiac symbols.
Methodologist of the Tashkent city planetarium Dilorom Sodiqova marks: “Now, the staff of the planetarium is busy with preparing a new program with the use of latest data on solar system and stars timing to Independence Day. For instance, in 2008 a new planet Samarqand was discovered. Now we work at gathering full information on this celestial object. The only we know is that the minor planet Samarqand revolves around the Sun between Mars and Jupiter orbits as the part of so-called asteroids belt. This is firm space bodies from iron, chondrites and some other chemical compounds.
The exhibition hall of the planetarium was opened after the announcement of UNESCO of 2009 the International Year of Astronomy. Here we can see pictures with images of planets of Solar system, as well as horizontal system of celestial coordinates.
The planetarium’s main task is the organization of leisure of people and evoking interest of them in astronomy. The place is visited by people of different age and trades. For pupils and students of colleges and lyceums we organize special excursions. It is interesting to study any subject in the game form, therefore the images in planetarium are projected on a vaulted ceiling, displaying a picture of the star sky, parade of planets. And the most important thing is that we could see these all any time of a day.
Information from "Uzbekistan Today"